The Big Debate: Segmented Courses versus Integrated Content for Leadership Development

By Jama Coartney -- 

As the demand for leadership skills increases, instructors and administrators are faced with some tough decisions about how to proceed and meet both the technical as well as leadership skills. With an education pathway already jam-packed, how do you add more leadership development into the curriculum?

Segmented Approach
Integrated Approach

 One approach involves increasing the availability of courses dedicated to leadership skills.  Another option involves integrating aspects of leadership into already existing courses. Both approaches have their advantages. 

In addition to opportunities for leadership development through coursework, students in agriculture programs also an additional option—internships.  Internships provide students a unique opportunity to gain experience and leadership development as they work toward completing their degree program.

Charcuterie plate with mustards, cheeses, fruits, relishes, bacon, and breads.
Photo by Tim Toomey on Unsplash

Grazing platter - Cheese & Charcuterie board.
Photo by Anto Meneghini  on Unsplash.


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