Three Simple Steps to Building Professional Relationships

by Jama S. Coartney and Donna Westfall-Rudd -- Networking is one of those buzzwords that frequently gets tossed around; however, it is not always easy to figure out how to go about building professional relationships—and where to start. In a research study conducted by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities ( APLU ), students ranked building professional relationships as the number one skill they were not prepared for as they entered the workplace ( Crawford & Fink , 2020). In the same study conducted by APLU about employability skills in agriculture & natural resources—which surveyed over 11,000 students, faculty, alumni, and employers—alumni also ranked building professional development as one of the top two skills that students are not prepared for as they enter the workforce. Students identified cross-generational, mentor, and team relationships as some of the focal points they would like to develop. Building pr...