In Pursuit of 'Job Ready' Graduates

by Eric Kaufman -- While many students pursue post-secondary education as a way to advance their employment prospects, research shows that a post-secondary degree falls short of this goal far too often. "While policymakers typically think of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) programs as a sure pathway to college-level employment and high wages, the reality is more nuanced" ( "Talent Disrupted" Executive Summary, 2024, p. 2). Many employers are reluctant to hire recent graduates, preferring instead to hire applicants with more experience in the workforce. While the rational varies, employers say recent graduates often cannot handle their workload and tend to struggle with professional behavior, including basics like eye contact (Intelligent, 2023 ). Part of the problem may be the way that we approach college coursework, typically focusing more on students' knowledge than their behavior and their resilience in the face of un...